new book again (?)

In less than a week I'm about to be a college student. WOW. I'm about to enter the university's life. It feels like I'm a baby again, learning how to walk, crawl and etc. it is so nerve-wracking to even talk about college life. idk how to even express what I'm feeling currently, let me be me. Let me feel it all alone. The best is to make everyone happy and so does me! I'm no so excited for this new phase of life yet still I'm not sad. Is this even normal?? Anyways all i wanted to jot here is, to all my close friends' yang study dekat or jauh, please don't ever change who you guys were, be true to yourself, work hard for what you've been dreaming and for most I'll miss you guys so much. don't ever forget me living over the sea, eventhough I'm still here in MALAYSIA. 

tak tahu nak tulis apa dah.

malas dah nak tulis.

Goodluck everyone!]


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